Alim Course

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৩ বছর মেয়াদী আলিম কোর্সটিতে রয়েছে ১৫ টি সাবজেক্ট। এই ১৫ টি সাবজেক্ট এর কিছু সাবজেক্ট এ রয়েছে দুইটি/তিনটি করে কোর্স যা এক-দেড় বছর সময় নিয়ে পড়ানো হয়। সর্বমোট ২৬টি কোর্সের সমন্বয়ে এই ১৫টি সাবজেক্ট সাজানো হয়েছে ৩ বছরের জন্য। আইওএম এর সকল সিঙ্গেল কোর্স আলিম কোর্সের অন্তর্ভুক্ত। অর্থাৎ, এই কোর্সটিতে ভর্তি হলে সিংঙ্গেল কোর্সগুলোতে ভর্তি হওয়ার প্রয়োজন নেই। IOM এর আলিম ও সিঙ্গেল কোর্সে প্রতিবছর জানুয়ারি এবং জুলাই ২ সেশনে আমরা ক্লাস কার্যক্রম শুরু করে থাকি। ভর্তির জন্য অবশ্যই ১ মাস পূর্বে ভর্তি কার্যক্রম সম্পন্ন করতে হবে।

After completing 3 years of Alim Preparatory Course, you can take the Hadith exam in Dawrah if you attend Offline Madrasah for 4 more years. And for this study, you can get admission in some of our designated madrasas or if you want to get admission in any other madrasah, you can get admission with a letter from our madrasah, inshallah. For this purpose also, IOM will help you in all ways inshallah.

Course Module

First Year: First Semester
Subject Topic Reference Book
Tajweed-1 Learning of letters (Harf), pronunciation (Makharij), memorization of 5 Surahs (Surah Al-Fatiha, Surah Al-Lahab to Surah An-Nas), reading the Qur'an with rules and regulations, Attahiyyat, Durud Sharif, Dua Qunoot, Tasbeeh, and practical implementation of Salah Sheet
Fiqh -1 Worship: Taharat (Purity), Salah-1 Fiqh al-Ibadat (Published by IOM)
Aqidah The existence and attributes of Allah, Prophets and Messengers, Angels and Jinn, the Day of Judgment, Paradise (Jannah), and Hell (Jahannam) Islamic Aqeedah (Published by IOM)
Dua and Sunnah 28 Duas and 13 Sunnahs Dawah Series, School and Madrasa, Family Management, and Birth Control
Adabu Talibul Ilm Etiquettes of acquiring knowledge Ta'leemul Muta'allim
First Year: Second Semester
Subject Topic Reference Book
Tajweed-2 Reading the Holy Qur'an, completing the recitation of the Qur'an (1 to 15 Juz), and memorizing 5 Surahs (from Surah An-Nasr to Surah Al-Fil)
Memorized Surahs: Practical Surahs: Surah Yaseen, Ayat-ul-Kursi
Fiqh-2 Worship: (Salah 2, Fasting (Sawm), Zakat, Hajj) Al-Fiqh al-Mu'assir, Fiqh al-Ibadat (Published by IOM)
Dawah Comparative Theology; Hinduism: Monotheism mantras (Vedas, Gita, Upanishads, Puranas, and Mahabharata) – Christianity; Bible… Izharul Haqq, the method and approach for inviting Hindu brothers to Islam, and the sheet related to Dawah
Arabic Language -1 Arabic Language Learning Let's Learn Arabic, Volume 1; At-Tamreenul Kitabi"
Second Year: Third Semester
Subject Topic Reference Book
Tajweed-3 Sifat Sheet
Fiqh-3 Mu'amalat (Business transactions), Mu'asharat (Marriage, Divorce), Modern Fiqh (Birth control, Test-tube baby, Medical issues, Share trading, etc.) Mukhtasar al-Quduri 1-2; Dars al-Fiqh
Arabic Language-2 Arabic Language Learning (Let's Learn Arabic - First Part) Let's Learn Sarf
Seerah-1 Makki-1 Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum; Seerat Ibn Hisham
Second Year : Fourth Semester
Subject Topic Reference Book
Quran Translation-1 1st to 10th part of the Qur'an Al-Mahimanwita Qur'an: Dr. Shehnaz Sheikh - Siyan Publication; Tafseer Tawzeehul Qur'an (Volume 1 to 3)
Arabic Language-3 Let's Learn Arabic - 2 (Final Part) Let's Learn Arabic, Volume 2; At-Tamreenul Kitabi
Seerah-2 Makki-2, Madani Sheet
Hadis and Sunnah-1 Usul al-Hadith (Principles and Terminologies of Hadith), Virtues of Actions
Arabic Grammer-1 Arabic Grammar (Sarf) Let's Learn Arabic, Volume 2; At-Tamreenul Kitabi
Third Year: Fifth Semester
Subject Topic Reference Book
Quran Translation-2 11th to 20th part of the Qur'an Al-Mahimanwita Qur'an: Dr. Shehnaz Sheikh - Siyan Publication; Tafseer Tawzeehul Qur'an (Volume 1 to 3)
Hadis and sunnah -2 Application of Hadith in Daily Life Mishkat, Adabul Mufrad, Fayzul Kalam
Islamic History Khulafa-e-Rashideen (From Umayyad to Ottoman) Sheet
Arabic Language-4 Arabic Language Learning (Let's Learn Arabic - Volume 3) Let's Learn Arabic - Volume 3; At-Tamreenul Kitabi
Arabic Grammer-2 Let's Learn Nahw Let's Learn Nahw
Third year: Sixth semester
Subject Topic Reference Book
Quran Translation-3 21st to 30th part of the Qur'an Al-Mahimanwita Qur'an: Dr. Shehnaz Sheikh - Siyan Publication; Tafseer Tawzeehul Qur'an (Volume 1 to 3)
Urdu Let's Learn Urdu Sheet; Let's Learn Urdu
Fiqh-4 Current Issues Sheet
Research and Masael Research on Issues (Masayel Bishoyek Gobeshona), Fatawa-e-Rahmaniya 1+2, Ahkame Zindagi

To view the booklist for the Alim course Click Here

Course related information
Course Name Alim Course (Admission is ongoing)
Who is the course for For brothers and sisters of all professions
Course Duration 3 Years
Certificate Available
Class Time From 8 PM to 10 PM
Class per week 4 Days
Class Recordings Available

Admission Fee


Monthly Fee


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